David Zindell Teaching
23,000+ Hours
Making Difficult Concepts Easy
How can you score your personal best on the GRE without the personalized expert coaching you need to bring out your best?
People are unique, and we all have unique strengths and weaknesses. When it comes to taking a very hard test like the GRE, gaps in our knowledge and skills keep us from doing as well as we should. Most of us have a hard time fully identifying where we need help because very often we don’t know what we don’t know. For instance, it’s hard to do a Venn Diagram problem if no one has ever explained what sets are and how to work them. We certainly can’t recognize and repair these gaps by being crammed into the same kinds of big, impersonal classes that created the gaps in us in the first place! Doesn’t it make more sense to sit down with a test prep pro who will get to know you and exactly what you need in order to help bring out the natural brilliance we all possess?
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My GRE Prep Classes Offer
- Free introductory class
- Personal evaluation
- One-on-one essay consultation
- Online practice exams
- Fun classes that help you master every technique and trick
- My Total Commitment to your score increase and Guarantee
Contact me for other options: I will build a course around you!
What do you know about the GRE – and GRE test prep? What are some of skills and techniques you will need in order to ace this test?
- Identifying traps and trick questions
- Recognizing the key patterns that unlock the puzzle of math problems
- Treating Column A – Column B comparisons as equations easily solved
- Quickly translating the English in word problems into simple math
- Following signal words to sentence completion
- Building bridge statements toward the correct analogies
- A professional writer’s approach to writing a killer essay
Quick, here’s a math problem for you: you’re sitting glued to your computer at the test center, trying to complete the 40 problems on the math sections in the allotted 70 minutes – how much time do you have to solve each problem? And the answer: an average of slightly more than 105 seconds. That’s not very much time. And some of the problems will be hard; actually, the more questions you answer correctly on the first math and verbal sections of the GRE, the harder the questions will be on the second math and verbal sections. That’s called a partial CAT, or a Computer Adaptive Test. When your second section rolls around, you should hope for harder questions; it means you’ve done well on the first section and have already reached a higher level score even if you begin getting more questions wrong.
On the GRE, as on its cousin GMAT, you’ll need two things above all to excel: fundamental skills and time management. You’ll need an accurate assessment of your strengths so that you can divide the test questions into three basic categories:
- Those that you can do in a breeze and almost certainly get right
- Those that will probably stump you no matter how long you struggle with them
- Those that you can probably solve if you take a little more time
I call that assessment of strengths and questions Test Prep Triage. That’s part of what I teach. Another way of saying it is that when it comes to answering questions on these difficult tests, you’ve got to know when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em. After you’ve taken one of my GRE prep courses and learned to recognize the twenty typical patterns in math problems, for example, you should be “folding” as few questions as possible.